High-Quality Instructional Materials

  • Graphic showing how HQPL leads to student successDelaware’s vision is that every learner leaves school ready for success in college, career, and life. To achieve this vision: 

    • Students must have access to high-quality instruction everyday; and 
    • Teachers must have access to high-quality instructional materials that get students excited to learn and the professional learning needed to use those materials well. 

    High quality instructional materials (HQIM) provide a road map for teachers on how to plan, teach, and assess student learning throughout the year and ensure they are mastering the skills needed to be college and career ready.

    Delaware defines HQIM as those materials that:

    1. include a full year’s worth of teacher materials (e.g., syllabi, lesson plans) and student materials (e.g., books, assignments, tests) that support student mastery of grade-level material;
    2. are fully aligned to Delaware’s standards for what students should know and be able to do at the end of each school year; and
    3. achieved a “green” rating on EdReportsa nationally recognized nonprofit organization that reviews and rates instructional materials—indicating that the materials reflect evidence-based research on good instruction.


  • Supporting HQIM

    The Delaware Department of Education provides school systems with tools, resources, and guidance that will support them in making informed decisions about HQIM and HQIM-aligned professional learning.

    • HQIM Overview: Document defining HQIM in Delaware, it’s impact on teachers and students and the state’s efforts to support their use. 
    • HQIM Learning Series: Series of webinars to build educators’ understanding of HQIM
    • List of HQIM: List of Delaware HQIM for ELA and Math
    • Digital DEA free online hub for best-in-class instructional resources including tools to build educator’s knowledge of HQIM and support the selection of new materials. 
  • This video highlights how DE school systems are using high quality instructional materials to support teachers, change instructional practice, and improve student outcomes.

    The Knowledge Matters Delaware School Tour video

Last Modified on June 30, 2023