• Teachers collaborating in a school The Reimagining Professional Learning Grants support the work of schools committed to improving the quality and efficacy of professional learning for teachers in Delaware in order to increase opportunities and outcomes for our students. Reimagining professional learning is imperative. It will not happen overnight, but will start with the bold thinking of school leaders and be realized with longer-term efforts and the replication of successful practices seeded through this grant. Schools that are committed to this vision are encouraged to apply to receive a Reimagining Professional Learning Grant.

  • 2019 - 2020 Grant Awardees by District

    Grant Descriptions can be found here: Grant Descriptions for 2019-2020 Awardees


    Grant Name
    Appoquinimink High School, Waters Middle School, Redding Middle School, Meredith Middle School, Middletown High School
    Success for ALL Students


    Grant Name
    Brandywine High School
    Leveraging Materials to Support Ambitious Teaching through Coaching Partnerships
    Concord High School
    Leveraging Materials to Support Ambitious Teaching through Coaching Partnerships
    Maple Lane ES
    Supporting Struggling Learners Through High Quality Curriculum and Professional Learning Partnerships
    Mount Pleasant High School
    Leveraging Materials to Support Ambitious Teaching through Coaching Partnerships
    PS DuPont MS
    Leveraging Materials to Support Ambitious Teaching through Coaching Partnerships
    Springer MS
    Coaching to Support Ambitions Teaching Using Illustrative Mathematics
    Talley MS
    Coaching to Support Ambitious Teaching Using Illustrative Mathematics and Interventions

    Caesar Rodney

    Grant Name
    Fifer MS, Postlethwait MS
    Increasing Rigor Through Instructional Best Practices
    W. Reily Brown ES, Frear ES, Simpson ES, Star Hill ES, Stokes ES, Welch ES
    Conceptual Instruction that Ensures Readiness for Secondary Mathematics - Yes That Really Exists!

    Cape Henlopen

    Grant Name
    Beacon MS
    Enhancing Access for All: UDL Learning Labs at Cape


    Grant Name
    Kent County Community School, KC Secondary ILC, William Henry MS, Dover High School, East Dover ES, North Dover ES, South Dover ES, Hartly ES, Towne Point ES, Fairview ES, Booker T Washington ES, Central MS
    Capital Reimagining Professional Learning Opportunity Grant


    Grant Name
    Early College High School @ Delaware State University
    Finding VALUE (Validation, Acquisition, and Learning Through Equitable Practices)
    Freire Charter School
    Building a Professional Learning Community to Decrease Achievement Gaps Between Peer Groups in Mathematics
    Kuumba Academy
    Kuumba's Reimagining Professional Learning
    Providence Creek Academy
    MTSS Coaching and Differentiating Up!


    Grant Name
    Shue-Medill MS
    Shue-Medill Middle Reimagining Grant: Explicit Academic and Trauma Informed Teaching Strategies to Support All Student


    Grant Name
    Gunning Bedford MS
    Leveraging Learning


    Grant Name
    Delmar MS
    Improving Literacy Achievement


    Grant Name
    Ferris/CWS School
    Ferris (DSCYF) Essential Strategies to Meet the Common Core Part II
    Terry Center
    Terry Center Multi-tiered Systems of Support to Increase Literacy Outcomes

    Indian River

    Grant Name
    East Millsboro, Georgetown ES, John M Clayton ES, Long Neck ES, Lord Baltimore ES, North Georgetown ES, Phillip C Showell ES, Southern Delaware School of the Arts
    Planning with a Purpose
    Sussex Central High School, Millsboro MS, Selbyville MS
    Using Coaching to Improve Pedagogical Impact on Student Achievement

    Lake Forest

    Grant Name
    Lake Forest High School
    Reimagining Professional Learning Innovation Grant
    W.T. Chipman MS
    Strategic Focus on our Special Education Program


    Grant Name
    Laurel High School
    Rich and Engaging Instruction in High School Mathematics Using High Quality Instructional Materials: Illustrative Mathematics
    Laurel MS
    Rich and Engaging Instruction in Middle Grades Mathematics Using High Quality Instructional Materials: Illustrative Mathematics
    Laurel ES, North Laurel Early Learning Academy
    Reimagining Elementary Mathematics by Piloting High Quality Instructional Materials


    Grant Name
    Lulu Ross ES
    ELA Instructional Strategy Mind-Shift
    Milford Central Academy
    Setting Sail for Greatness
    Milford High School
    Reimagining ELA Instruction for All Learners

    Red Clay

    Grant Name
    Highlands ES, Richardson Park ES, Forest Oak ES, Linden Hill ES
    Enhancing Teachers' Knowledge and Instructional Strategies in the Area of Literacy Instruction
    Warner ES, Mote ES, Marbrook ES
    Enhancing Teachers' Knowledge and Instructional Strategies in the Area of Literacy Instruction
    Cooke ES, Lewis Dual Language ES, Baltz ES
    Enhancing Teachers' Knowledge and Instructional Strategies in the Area of Literacy Instruction
    Richey ES, Heritage ES, Brandywine Springs, North Star ES
    Enhancing Teachers' Knowledge and Instructional Strategies in the Area of Literacy Instruction
    Brandywine Springs School, Skyline MS, H.B. DuPont MS
    Implementing Evidence-Based Instructional Practices
    A.I. DuPont High School, McKean High School
    Implementing Evidence-Based Instructional Practices
    Cab Calloway School of the Arts, Conrad School of Science, Dickinson High School
    Implementing Evidence-Based Instructional Practices


    Grant Name
    Seaford High School, Seaford MS
    Content Institutes at the Secondary Level to Address TSI 2 Needs


    Grant Name
    Clayton Intermediate
    Differentiating Learning Every Way, Every Day
    JB Moore Intermediate, Smyrna MS, Smyrna High School
    Differentiated for Success


    Grant Name
    Woodbridge MS
    Reimagining Professional Learning

  • Questions and Suggestions:

    If you have questions regarding the Reimagining Professional Learning Grant, please contact the grant team at reimaginingPL@doe.k12.de.us

    If you have education-related questions or suggestions regarding Professional Learning in Delaware, please contact the Professional Learning workgroup at 302-735-4180 or visit the Staff Directory.

Last Modified on January 19, 2022