English language proficiency (ELP) WIDA assessment
Assessments are an integral part of the instructional cycle and fulfill several purposes for educators, students, parents, policy makers, and community members. Assessments administered at the state, district/charter, and school levels combine to form a system of assessments with the goal of supporting student growth.
Delaware’s English Language Proficiency (ELP) assessment helps English learner (EL) students, their families and teachers determine each student’s strengths and areas for growth in four language domains: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Currently, Delaware is home to almost 13,000 EL students, or students whose first language is a language other than English. The ELP assessment is just one measure for determining a student’s progress in school. Other measures include student grades, classroom assignments, district-wide tests and more.
Under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), EL students must meet individualized achievement targets each year. Students are expected to reach English proficiency in 3-6 years, depending on their English language level when they were identified as an EL student.
General Overview
- Students tested: English learner students in grades K-12
- Accessibility Supports: The Accessibility Guidelines are now housed in Schoology. For access to the WIDA Accommodations forms and other resources, please contact Michelle Jackson for the access code.
- Test name: ACCESS for ELLs
- Alternate options: Alternate ACCESS for ELLs for EL students with disabilities
- Test date: Districts can choose to give between February 3-March 20, 2021
- Scoring: Students receive their proficiency level in place of scores
- State/district results: Statewide EL learner reports
- Test provider: WIDA Consortium
- Test type: WIDA offers four versions of the ACCESS assessment based on age group, format (paper versus online) and ability (Alternate ACCESS for ELLs for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities). The WIDA website has more information.
- Additional supports:
Score Reporting
Delaware teachers receive each student’s ELP scores in May. Teachers use the test scores – along with other measures – to help plan instruction to best support each student at the start of the school year.
- Understanding student results
- Sample Family Score Report (English / Spanish)
- Understanding the Family Score Report
Family and Educator Resources
- WIDA Assessment Best Practices During COVID-19
- Parent Resources
Includes information on student success, WIDA family supports and more.
- Forms and translation information
Required forms for educators and parents of English Language Learners.
- Score Reporting System
Includes an overview of using scores to guide instruction, webinars, and claim and target crosswalks for grades K-8.
- Delaware Title III/ESL Guidebook
A guide for District Implementation of Programs for English Language Learners.
- Professional Learning Opportunities
Provides additional training opportunities for educators working with EL students.
- Educator Resources
Additional resources for educators working with EL students, including information for migrant students, EL advocates and federal programs.
- ACCESS Attemptedness Criteria
Includes Attemptedness Criteria for English Language Learners.
For more information, contact Marcus Smith at Marcus.Smith@doe.k12.de.us or call 302-735-4169