Professional Learning for Mathematics
Delaware offers several opportunities for educators to participate in deep and engaging professional learning focused on CCSS-aligned Math instruction.
Listed below are links to webinars, videos, and self-paced resources .
Mathematics Webinars and Modules
Delaware Department of Education Self-Paced Courses- Mathematics and the CCSS
- CCSS Mathematical Practices
- Thinking Mathematically with Number Talks
- Deeper Learning through Questioning and Discourse
Delaware Department of Education Content Courses- Middle School Mathematics: Ratios and Proportional Relationships (coming soon!)
- Elementary Mathematics: Fractions (coming in 2017-2018 school year)
- Developing Student Understanding of High School Geometry (coming in 2017-2018 school year)
- Developing Student Understanding of Algebra II (coming in 2017-2018 school year)
Internal ModulesProvides grade-level specific professional learning on Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Mathematics. Each module includes a PowerPoint, Facilitator's Guide, and Activities. Developed by the Delaware Math Cadre and based off the work of Student Achievement Partners and Achieve the Core.
External Modules and Professional Learning Toolkits
- Instructional Shifts in Math
Designed to provide participants with a deep understanding of the key shifts required by the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics. Created by the CCSS authors. (Length: 1-4 hours.) - Deep Dive into the Math Shifts
Builds a deeper understanding of the coherence of the Standards, and works through sample problems that reflect the "rigor" expected by the Standards for grades K-8. Fosters a careful understanding of the Math shifts. (Length: 1-3 hours.) - Illustrating the Standards for Math Practice
Provides ready-to-use materials to help teachers understand the Math standards and implement them in their classrooms. Core resources provided by the Noyce Foundation's Inside Mathematics . (Length: 13 modules, 1.05 -3 hours each.) - NCTM Principles to Actions Professional Learning Toolkit
Presentation, presenter notes, and required materials are provided in each module to support professional learning with teachers through analyzing artifacts of teaching and abstracting general ideas about how to effectively support student learning
Additional Resources- Inside Mathematics Project
Provides videos of exemplary lessons using the eight mathematical practices spelled out in the CCSS. Includes specific content standards at different grade levels. - The Teaching Channel
Provides exemplary lessons using the mathematical practices and the specific CCSS at different grade levels. Includes material for planning professional learning for implementing the CCSS. - National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics
Provides materials for planning professional learning for implementing the CCSS. - Math Common Core Coalition
Provides resources for implementing CCSS in Math. - Delaware Math Coalition
Provides information and resources from the Delaware Mathematics Coalition. This coalition identifies and endorses research-based best practices in mathematics instruction.
For more information on professional learning for Math in Delaware, contact Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development at 302-735-4180.
Last Modified on October 2, 2018