• Common Core Standards for Mathematics


    The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) establish guidelines for Mathematics instruction. CCSS-aligned math standards focus on learning math skills and concepts in the context of solving real-world problems. At each grade, students are expected to not only develop an understanding of content standards, but also develop key behaviors outlined in the Standards for Mathematical Practice.

    Common Core mathematics asks students to justify why a particular mathematical statement is true or where a mathematical rule comes from. Mathematical understanding and procedural skill are equally important in CCSS-aligned mathematics.

    In "Expanding Learning Opportunities and Advancing Student Success", the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) explains the need for the Common Core Standards and the learning opportunities that will be provided to students.
  • Unpacking the Mathematics Standards
    • Focus by Grade Level (Achieve the Core): Achieve the Core provides a number of resources, sample lessons, and tasks for teachers. This resource provides clarity concerning the major, supporting, and additional standards by grade.
    • The Mathematics Common Core Toolbox: This site has been created through a collaboration of the Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin and Agile Mind with partial funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. These resources were created as part of a system of programs intended to enable every student to have the opportunity to succeed in learning a challenging mathematics curriculum, supported by a teacher who has access to the most promising practices in instruction and formative assessment.
    • NCTM & Hunt Institute Videos: NCTM and the Hunt Institute have produced a series of videos to enhance understanding of the mathematics that students need to succeed in college, life, and careers. Beginning in the primary grades, the videos address the importance of developing a solid foundation for algebra, as well as laying the groundwork for calculus and other postsecondary mathematics coursework. The series also covers the Standards for Mathematical Practice and examines why developing conceptual understanding requires a different approach to teaching and learning.
    • Coherence Map (Achieve the Core): A tool specifically designed to illuminate the coherent connections of the content standards.
    Recommended Resources
    • Illustrative Mathematics: Provides instructional and assessment tasks, lesson plans, and other resources.
    • Mathematics Assessment Project (Mathematics Assessment Resource Service): The Mathematics Assessment Project is part of the Math Design Collaborative initiated by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The project set out to design and develop well-engineered tools for formative and summative assessment that expose students' mathematical knowledge and reasoning, helping teachers guide them towards improvement and monitor progress. The tools are relevant to any curriculum that seeks to deepen students' understanding of mathematical concepts and develop their ability to apply that knowledge to non-routine problems.
    • YouCubed (Jo Boaler, Stanford University): Provides research-based teaching methods, math tasks, videos, and ideas intended to significantly reduce math failure and inequality in the United States and beyond.
    • Three-Act Math Tasks (Dan Meyer)
    • Greg Tang Math: Includes a variety of resources and games to support instruction by grade level
    For more information on Math Standards in Delaware, contact Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development at 302-735-4180.
Last Modified on March 19, 2024