• For Teachers and Educators

  • Welcome to the State of Delaware education resource page for teachers and educators working with students with disabilities. This site is maintained by Delaware's Exceptional Children Resources workgroup and provides teachers, paraprofessionals, and other in-classroom personnel with education-related information and available supports for meeting the needs of Delaware's students with disabilities.

    Delaware operates with the knowledge that children with disabilities are successful in the classroom and beyond when high expectations exist alongside appropriate supports. Our goal is to assist educators throughout Delaware in their mission to prepare students with disabilities for their goals after high school. Delaware's Exceptional Children Resources workgroup helps to ensure those working directly with the students are providing effective and meaningful experiences for students with disabilities.

  • How is my
    district or charter
    in Special Education?

  • Provides technical assistance, professional learning materials and in-classroom resources for educators of students with disabilities. Includes information on extended school-year services, communication plans, accessibility, and more.
    Provides instructions, forms, and resources for Educational Evaluations, and qualifying for an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Plan. Includes guidance on IEP team meetings.
    Provides information on transition-planning, which refers to the preparation of employment, education or training, community participation and independent living after high school for students with disabilities. Transition services are required in every Individualized Education Program (IEP) in Delaware beginning at age 14 or in 8th grade.
    Provides an overview of what the Delaware Office of Exceptional Children is doing to improve the outlook for students with disabilities. Includes federal requirements, the State's Systemic Plan, individual district and charter school performance, and a place to submit feedback to the Delaware Department of Education about services for students with disabilities.
Last Modified on March 24, 2023