• Special Education for Districts and Charters

  • Welcome to the State of Delaware education resource page for school administrators working with students with disabilities. This site is maintained by Delaware's Exceptional Children Resources workgroup and provides superintendents, principals, curriculum directors, counselors and other personnel with education-related information and compliance resources for meeting the needs of Delaware's students with disabilities.

    Delaware operates with the knowledge that children with disabilities are successful in the classroom and beyond when high expectations exist alongside appropriate supports. Delaware's Exceptional Children Resources workgroup helps districts and charters provide effective and meaningful supports for students with disabilities, and ensures they continually meet all federal and state requirements.

  • How is my
    district or charter
    in Special Education?

  • Information and Resources

    Includes information on compliance monitoring, consolidated grants, IDEA Part B, time and effort, and needs-based funding.
    Provides professional learning materials and in-classroom resources for educating students with disabilities. Includes information on extended school-year services, communication plans, and accessibility.
    Provides information on transition-planning services for students with disabilities, including employment, education, training, community participation and independent-living supports. Transition services are required in every Delaware IEP beginning at age 14 or 8th grade.
    Explains student and family rights when receiving special education services. Provides information on IEP facilitation, mediation, administrative/state complaints, due process complaints, as well as recent administrative/state complaint findings and due process hearing decisions.
Last Modified on March 24, 2023