• Educational Supports for Students

    A student with a disability in Delaware may be eligible for specialized services or educational supports to ensure they have access to, participate in and make meaningful progress in the general education curriculum.

    For a student to be eligible for these services and supports, the IEP team must first determine if the student has a disability that qualifies for educational services under state and federal law.

    Step 1: Request an Educational Evaluation

    A parent or educator who notices that a child is struggling in school can request an evaluation for Special Education services.

    After receiving written parent permission, the school has 45 school days or 90 calendar days (whichever comes first), in which to complete the evaluation and meet with the IEP team to review the results.

    If the parent disagrees with the results of the evaluation, they may request that the school pay for an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) by an outside expert. The school has a right to ask the parent's reason for why he or she disagrees with the original evaluation. The IEP team has a responsibility to review and consider the findings of an IEE.

    Step 2: Confirm Student’s Eligibility for Services

    The IEP team documents the team's review of data, discussions and the eligibility decision of the student on the Evaluation Summary Report/ En Español. If the IEP team determines that the student is eligible for Special Education services, the team will develop an Individualized Education Program to address the student's needs.

    Step 3: Develop an Education Program

    Within 30 calendar days of finding that a child is eligible for special education and related services, the school/district assembles a team of knowledgeable individuals. This team includes the parent and others who are knowledgeable about the child’s disability and specific special education services and programs available to help the child. Team members review the child’s evaluation data and any other relevant information, assess the child’s strengths and needs, and work together to develop an Individualized Education Program.

    Individualized Education Program (IEP)

    Parents are the Key is a manual about the rights and responsibilities for parents of children with special education needs in Delaware. Developed in partnership with Parent Information Center (PIC) of Delaware.

Last Modified on July 7, 2021