World Languages and Dual Language Immersion
World language proficiency and cultural competency are crucial 21st century skills that define college, career and world-ready graduates. In Delaware, world language capacity is crucial for the state to maintain and strengthen its domestic economy. Former Governor Jack Markell often spoke publicly about the importance of young Delawareans learning a world language, saying that Delaware graduates who enter the job market without the ability to speak a world language other than English are at a significant disadvantage. The Delaware Department of Education is committed to providing an aggressive K-12 world language education plan that not only prepares Delaware students with the language skills they need to compete in an ever-changing global economy at home and around the world but also to build stronger, more connected communities across the state.
- World Language Programs in Delaware Schools
- Languages as Career Skills
- Languages and Career Pathways
- Delaware Certificate of Multiliteracy
- Delaware World Language Teacher Leader Network
- Delaware Dual Language Immersion K-12/16 Program Information
- Delaware Dual Language Immersion Program Locations
- Delaware World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
- Delaware World Language Proficiency Targets (Non-Immersion) - Alphabetic and Logographic Languages
- Considerations for American Sign Language (ASL)
- Coming Soon - Considerations for Classical Languages (Latin and Ancient Greek)
- Delaware Core Practices for World Language Proficiency
- Delaware Highly Qualified Instructional Materials Rubrics for World Languages
- Delaware World Language Professional Learning 2022-2023
- World Language Learning for All Delaware Students: Ensuring Universal Access to High-Levels of Language Acquisition
For Additional Resources, including Assessments, Scoring Rubrics, Sample Curriculum Documents and Professional Learning Artifacts, access the Delaware World Language Teachers Schoology Group using Access Code DSNHC-HKR3K.
Gregory Fulkerson, Ph.D., Education Associate, World Languages and Dual Language Immersion
Delvin Lynn Fulton, Education Specialist, Dual Language Immersion
Gianna Rivera Morales, Spanish Dual Language Immersion Coach, New Castle County
TBD, Spanish Dual Language Immersion Coach, Kent County
Vanessa Pavon-Winterling, Spanish Dual Language Immersion Coach, Sussex County
Helen Yung, Lead Chinese Dual Language Immersion Coach, Kent and New Castle Counties
Shervon Bolden, Administrative Secretary